
Free Gift for US$500 software or product of 8AM8.

JS Design Workshop Graphic Design I Illustrator At JS Design Workshop, We offer a fully personalized, professional design and maintenance services. We provide a comprehensive range of branding and mar
設計 / 平面設計JS Design Workshop

品牌形象 | 宣傳海報 | 書刊及小冊子設計 | 平面設計 | web-banner | Graphic Design | Website Design | Packaging customisation | Invitation Card | Name Card | Stationary | Catalog | menu | 海報
設計 / 平面設計Jm Design Studio

品牌形象 | 宣傳海報 | 書刊及小冊子設計 | 平面設計 | web-banner | Graphic Design | 動畫影片 Motion Graphic | Website Design | Packaging customisation | Invitation Card | Name Card | Stationary | Catalog |
設計 / 平面設計Jm Design Studio

wedding結婚公仔,花車公仔,回禮小禮物,畢業公仔,畢業禮物,訂造公仔,娃娃訂做,情人節禮物,gifts and premium,christmas Gift

wedding結婚公仔,花車公仔,回禮小禮物,畢業公仔,畢業禮物,訂造公仔,娃娃訂做,情人節禮物,gifts and premium,christmas Gift

Funderland Party Room佔地1200呎,備有室內及戶外場地,歡迎一家大細及寵物一齊嚟開派對,室內配置專業KTV設備,俾三五知己一展唱喉,更有PS4、WII及街機適合愛打機嘅你; 多種Card Game及玩樂設施,任君選擇,戶外場地設有燒烤爐及枱椅,邊飲邊食,提供戶外空間,庭園景觀,BBQ設施,戶外枱椅,小型泳池
F消閒及娛樂 / 派對場地Funderland Party Room

ADC, DAC,PWM, RTC, SD Card, GSM, GPRS, WIFI, Bluetooth, 433Mhz RF, IR transmitter, IR receiver, GPS, Stepper controller and Servo Controller, Sensor, RS232, modbus....

We Design Source Deliver - Corporate Gift, We Listen to your needs, We focus on your concern, Promote your brand 富康禮品設計致力為您 推廣 企業形象 及品牌

Logo, Business Card, Banner, Webpage, Brochure, IG, FB **歡迎到本人FB專頁(YAWARA Freelencer)以個人訊息查詢。**
Y設計 / 平面設計Yawaracarrie

結婚布公仔量身訂造,可錄聲音,可變換服飾造型,搭配套件,各種款式,擁有屬於自己的迷你公仔~make your own dolls !

MYLove Design HK was born in 2009. We are a young, joyful and modern wedding invitation, accessories and gift company. Not only from Asia, our clients come from all over the world. Elegant inv
M結婚 / 婚宴請柬MYLove HK

Studio 提供影樓租用,商業攝影,人像攝影,閨密攝影,寵物攝影,家庭攝影,BB攝影,孕婦攝影,Pre-Wedding等服務

brochures, packaging, print & magazine adv, leaflet, logo, corporate identity, poster, gift and premium
f設計 / 平面設計freelancer_ann


資深香港設計師創作 保證令您滿意 [卡片設計服務}-450元起包印刷100張. [網頁設計服務]-由3000元起.購物網站由4000元起, 一星期起可即時上線 [傳單設計] [賀卡設計][賀卡設計][婚禮設計][廣告設計]logo design, business card, leaflet, website, banner, invitation or greeting card design

G設計 / 平面設計Geminico

為你設計最獨特簡單的風格。today studio 服務包括Poster / Leaflet /Postcard / Name Card Design / invitation card / wedding logo design / Sticker design / book design , MAKE • TODAY Design Studio Miss.Today 是一名平面設計師,希望
K設計 / 平面設計Kayanchiu
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